
Originally from North-West Ireland, I’m a legal academic at Bangor University by day – my work webpage is here. It’s the best job in the world! By night, I love to relax by cooking for myself and my husband (our dog, Gwen, gets the leftovers!). Some of my best ideas for academic writing have come when I’ve been up to my elbows in dough (the foodstuff, not money)!

We don’t really have a favourite style of food – we both travel a lot, and I guess that has influenced my cooking. I’m passionate about good quality, unprocessed, food – my dad is an organic farmer and I think it’s really important to know where your food came from and that it was well looked after on its journey to your plate. I really hate wasting food so you’re bound to see a lot of ingredients making a second appearance a day or two after their first outing!
